Hey girl hey!
Let’s talk about staying the course.
Lately I’ve been feeling the battle of the flesh and the spirit at war HONEY! It’s not that I feel spiritually dry, but recently obedience isn’t an easy yes. And although I usually follow through and honor God in my decisions, I am not all the way happy about it.
Let’s face it, living for God is NOT EASY. I know that anyone who strives to serve god wholeheartedly has come to a place of saying “I don’t know how much longer I can do this?”. So how do you stay the course when you are tired of the battle?
Today I found myself extremely upset at God. Like, UPSET. When I got home in silence (my mind totally back to normal lol), I thought of the line I always tell my students “don’t every get tired of doing what is right”. Boy, did I need to take a dose of my own medicine.
13. And as for [the rest of] you, believer do not grow tired or lose heart in doing good [but continue doing what is right without weakening].
2 Thessalonians 3:13
Paul wrote this letter to the church at Thessalonica. His first letter (1 Thessalonians) was to encourage the people in their faith and to affirm the second coming of Christ. A few months later, because the people heard that Christ can come at any moment, it caused the people to become idle and lazy. Therefore, Paul wrote the second letter to clear up confusing and give the people courage to continually do what’s right.
You may just be like the church in Thessalonica. You may find yourself saying “lord you can come at any moment, so does doing good really matter?”. You may be like me, “struggling to persevere and have endurance after doing it Gods way for so long“.
Well, I know that the keys to preserving and enduring is having Faith. Faith, the very core of Christianity, yet it’s so hard to have at times. Just like myself today, I needed that alone time with God to pour out my true feelings and emotions. I pray that you get alone with God and keep it real. Tell him how you feel. Are you growing weary? Are you fed up? Tell him!
As Christians, it gets hard but God does promise to supply us everything that we need. This “calling” to become like Christ (including desiring what he desires) is a lifelong process. It’s gradual. We aren’t perfect, but as long as you remain in God you are moving in the direction as God works in.
Stay the course and keep fighting!
Love y’all,
SoulStyleBeauty <3
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