Hey girl hey! Let’s talk about staying the course. Lately I’ve been feeling the battle of the flesh and the spirit at war HONEY! It’s not that I feel spiritually dry, but recently obedience isn’t an easy yes. And although I usually follow through and honor God in my decisions, I am not all the […]
Spring Forward- In My Lane, At My Own Pace.
Hey girl hey! I know, I know. You’re probably like, “where the heck has this girl been?“. Well I haven’t been MIA on every platform, but definitely my blog. Life has been crazy! If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I switched my career from working a basic 9-5 job in the […]
More Than Enough
“Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that last forever, They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.”-Psalm 37:18-19 More than enough. Life is and has been extremely challenging. I know I am not the only one […]
My Journey: Overcoming the fear of Man
Hat (Similar): Baker Boy Hat Jacket: PETITE Slouch Coat Snakeprint Leggings (Similar): Brown Snakeskin Print Leggings “The pressure will either fold you or mold you. You choose. “ We’ve all felt it before. The pressure. The fear of disapproval. Staying quiet when God already told us to speak up about an issue. Although doing what we can want in the moment […]
Oh she blessed blessed!
Top: Oh She blessed, BLESSED shirt and Boots: Black Feature Heel Full Zip Ankle Boots. What is the meaning of blessed? I mean we see it daily, hear it daily and it’s now a feeling word thrown around. I don’t say that in a condemning way, but I feel that it’s important that everyone knows […]
Earlier this week on my Instagram story I said “my life is a series of deadlines”. Whether that’s for my day job as a teacher or my passion products, deadlines are crucial. Discipline is key. Although I’m still working on my balance, it still comes down to just that. Once you develop a habit of discipline, […]
FENTY BEAUTY PRO Filt’r Concealer & Powder Review
Hey SSB Fam! Hope you all are doing well! Ya girl has been trying out some new Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r products! Our girl Rihanna definitely did not come to play when she welcomed the new products at the start of 2019! Did you purchase anything from the new collection? Girl, I purchased the concealer […]
Need Help With Your Skincare Routine? I got you!
Hey SSB Fam! Let’s face it, it takes WORK to come up with a skincare routine! As amazing as skincare is, it’s intimidating viewing the numerous amount of products out there. Being a beauty enthusiast, I know some individuals are product junkies, so those are the few that constantly try product after product without giving […]
5 Things I’ve Learned in 2018!
Hey SSB Fam! The year is coming to a close y’all! With only a few days left, if I can summarize this year in two words they will be BUT GOD! Through all the challenges, the stress and the “barriers”, God has been faithful. God is forever teaching me something so here are a few things […]
I Refuse to Flake On Myself.
Hey SSB Fam! Hope you are all well! Girl…. I’ve been crazy busy these days! Being a full time Special Education Teacher and part-time Content Creator, I’m in this constant battle of fighting against time and what consumes my time. The crazy thing is, I have crazy passion for both jobs, however creating my own […]